Welcome, Early Starters! Early Start Finance aims to be the best online resource for parents and guardians to learn how to teach children about financial literacy. While it’s important that parents take seriously their moral obligation to teach their children financial literacy, it can be an extremely fun and rewarding process for the whole family.

What we’re about
While some of the content on Early Start Finance relates to American regulations or tax schemes, most of the content applies to families worldwide. None of the information on our website, in our newsletters or other communications is a substitute for the advice of a professional financial planner, accountant and/or tax consultant. Similarly, none of our communications are intended to be financial advice, nor are they an invitation or inducement to make a specific investment or transaction.

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This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. All product reviews and recommendations are made objectively and independently of our affiliate arrangements. Affiliate agreements just happen to be one of the ways we can cover expenses, but be assured that we do our best to keep things fair and balanced in order to give you our honest, unbiased opinions.